
The smell of wild flowers and mown hay. Berdyshev Igor Zagrievich

Born March 24, 1954 in the city of Kashira, Moscow region.
With 1968-1971gg. visited the art room (teacher SM Kharlamov). The path to mastery was long, but no not everyday difficulties forced him to change the selection. In 15 years, he has felt himself an independent person. Having neither parent nor any - any other support, he entered the Moscow Theatre artistic and technical school. He remembered the lessons with V.B.Fliorinym and RM Martynov. In 1980. graduated from college, and from that time began to constantly participate in exhibitions. In 1987 he graduated MVHPU (former Stroganov), studied with Professor AN Zaitsev. Member nationwide, zonal and Moscow exhibitions. Products are in Lytkarinsky regional museum, in private collections and collections in Russia, France, the USA, Japan, Korea, England, Canada.

Winner of the contest (The best work of 2012) in the category
Audience Award - for the rich, melodious, decorative and colorful with a touch
cheap popular styling and naive parable allegorical painting, creative and aesthetic
phenomenon of personality, high energy spectator interest

